World's first debating MOOC starts on October 16 - register now!

Hi everyone!

We hope you're as excited as us for the start of the Big Voice MOOC - the first online course devoted to the art of debating.

The course begins on 16 October - so be sure to register!

The course will cover the fundamentals of debating using a "first principles" approach. You'll learn core debating skills (eg how to make and rebut an argument) by exploring the intellectual clashes at the heart of public policy making. You'll learn how to debate confidently about ethics, the role of government and individual freedom, international relations and economics. Even if you don't want to debate competitively, this course will help you better understand and criticise arguments about public policy.

Your tutors, Victor, Kiran and Nita - who have all won the World Universities Debating Championship - will teach you the most important principles they used in learning how to debate and how to take their debating to the next level.

We hope to see you in the (virtual) classroom soon!

The Big Voice team